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Official Translations


All legal documents need to be translated by an oficial (certified) translator approved by the Ministry of Foreign and Religious Affairs of Costa Rica. These special translations are more rigorously done, and are certified. Some examples are birth certificates, marriage and divorce certificates, death certificates, passports and other i.d. documents, court resolutions and settlements, contracts, police reports, alimony and other conciliations, adoption resolutions, school and university records, acoountability documents for banks, among others.

Official Interpretation


Certain situations require an official (certified) interpreter approved by the Ministry of Foreign and Religious Affairs of Costa Rica at the site.

This service requires of previous shedule and offers the possiblity that both parties converse in either language and be understood by the other.

Our interpreter has the skills and knowledge to render complex subject matter efficiently and professionally.

These special interpretations are required for scenarios of a legal matter, such as: court trials, conciliations, hearings, certain professional talks and conferences.

Our interpreting services are reliable, confidential and secure.

Additionally, our interpreter is professional, highly qualified and experienced.

Being a Costa Rican herself, she will be able to overcome whatever cultural barriers that may arise between the Spanish and the English speakers.


Traducciones oficiales en otros idiomas


An strategic alliance with other official translators in other languages allows us to offer our clients in Perez Zeledon, Dominical, Uvita and the Southern region the possibility of having official translations from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Costa Rica.

Regular (Non-Official) Translations and Interpretations


Other types of services need not to be official - translating literary works, text books web pages, software, magazines, newspapers, journals, research papers, theses, product labels, movie and advertisement subtitles, interpreting casual conversations, etc.

Non-official interpreting requieres previous schedule and depends on availability.

We also offer emergency services and rush translations

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